Natalia: EU trainee from Česko

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” 

About Natalia

Traineeship: EP, DG COMM – Press Unit

Studies: European Studies

Dream job: Travel Journalist

Favourite Belgian beer: Barbar …coming with frites of course!

Favourite place in Brussels: Marolles on Sunday morning

10 questions for Natalia

1. Do you feel more European or Czech?
I am Czech in first place of course, but can feel the European identity as well, most probably due to my studies abroad.

About Czech Republic

2. Czechs are…
Fortunately, no nationality can be described by three characteristics

3. Stereotypes about Czech Republic

  • Czech people drink a lot of beer – TRUE

4. Is Czech Republic a Europe-friendly country?
Unfortunately I must answer that rather no, especially during these times, which is quite sad.


Prague, Czech Republic

About EuroBubble

5. How do you find Brussels?
I love this city!

6. What was your 1st impression of the EU institutions?
Rather positive.

7. What picture of the EU did you have before coming here and what was the biggest surprise?
I would say that I wasn’t that surprised in the end.
8. What’s the best about being part of the “EuroBubble”?
Making connections, it is a good experience to see what happens inside the institutions. But I think it is also very important to get out of that “bubble” and mingle with local people.


Vintage Market in Marolles, Brussels (Google Images)

Food for Thought

9. Welcome refugees or better not?
10. What are your plans after the traineeship?
No specific plans yet, I am open. But I might like to stay here a bit longer … and try all the Belgian beers 🙂

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